Univerzal Auto is having a huge list of products. We are the only one company that works in our region very transparent and very nearly to our consumers. We are the only company that categorize our big list of products, around 30 000 different products not by usage but by producer. Below is the list of big manufacturers and our partners at the same time...
Behr GmbH & Co KG, Штутгарт, е систем партнер на меѓународната автомобилска индустрија. Еден специјалист за автомобилската климатизација и ладење на моторните системи, групата Behr е еден од водечките светски производители и снабдувачи на оригинална опрема за лесни возила и камиони. Групна продажбата во 2010 Бизнис година дојде на околу 3,3 милијарди евра. Во моментов, Behr располага со околу 16.500 вработени во 9 развојни локации, 22 производствени погони и 10 заеднички вложувања во светот. Ние сме главен дистрибутер и партнер за Маденија...
Blue Print
Blue Print is a brand of high quality parts for use in the servicing and repair of cars and vans. Blue Print parts are a great value alternative to expensive replacement parts from the vehicle manufacturer’s dealership. They are designed and specified to be an exact replacement for the original part that is removed from the car and to perform to high standards when fitted. All Blue Print parts are covered by a Three Year Unlimited Mileage Warranty against manufacturing defects, so in the unlikely event that one of parts goes wrong while fitted to your vehicle we’ll replace it for free and cover the cost of any further related repairs. Most vehicle manufacturers and other aftermarket parts suppliers only offer a two year warranty at best. In line with European regulations, the use of Blue Print parts on your vehicle will not invalidate the vehicle manufacturer’s warranty (providing they are fitted correctly in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations).
The premium brand from MANN+HUMMEL is called MANN-FILTER and is available worldwide. As an aftermarket manufacturer, we are proud to have filters for almost all types of vehicle in our range. In our online catalogue, you can also find MANN-FILTER products for construction and agricultural machinery as well as other applications.
Mitan - Alpine
Unser Unternehmen wurde 1985 als eigenständiger Geschäftszweig der H. Schröer-Dreesmann e.K. gegründet und befindet sich seitdem auf stetigem Wachstumskurs. Mit einem der führenden Spezialisten für Heizöl und Kraftstoffe im Hintergrund verfügen wir über eine solide Basis für die Herausforderungen von morgen. Von unserem Firmenstandort in Ankum aus beliefern wir aktuell Kunden in mehr als 40 Ländern. Leistungsstark, verlässlich, sicher – unsere Produkte bringen Ihre Kunden auf Touren!
In 1952 the company Spahn - a producer of car glow-lamps - was founded in Hildesheim. The production and marketing programme includes the complete series of small lamps for motor vehicles. The technology of lamp production for cars has been improved continuously. The production range has been extended to a special series of low voltage lamps which today includes all regular types and special models required by the international market. Since 1988 the market - originally limited to the motor industry, its distributors and suppliers - has been extended step by step to the electrical industry and the wholesale business.
Triscan is a 100% Danish owned company that has gained a strong position in the Scandinavian market and a strong increase in sales in the rest of Europe. All accomplished through production, concept development, marketing and distribution of auto parts for the professional free aftermarket. Triscan products are sold exclusively through distributors and wholesalers and all products are distributed from Triscan’s four distribution centres to 35 markets in Europe. In addition to auto parts Triscan also offers a program of clamps and gas springs for companies in the industrial sector. Triscan employs more than 100 employees in Denmark, France, Sweden and Germany.
On June 23rd 2011, on UNICO FILTER product distributer VALBIH from Konjic, an education for its employees was held at the facilities of MANN+HUMMEL BA. By watching presentations, animations and practical demonstration of filter cross section or filter parts and discussion the attendees were given the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and get information about UNICO FILTER products
When August Bilstein laid the foundations for the innovation incubator BILSTEIN in Altenvoerde in Germany\'s Westphalia region in 1873, nobody had any idea of the crucial influence the company\'s products would one day have on the driving comfort and safety of cars. Instead it was metal window fittings - sold under the catchy name of AUBI, an abbreviation of August Bilstein - that soon made the company famous far beyond the boundaries of Bilstein\'s local region and even abroad.
Vemo is our partner and its catalog list is very huge...
Univerzal auto, nje nder partneret me serioz dhe me te besueshem per furnizimin me produktet statike per automobilizem e ka FEBI. Prodhues i njohur ne bote per pjese te statikes se veturave. Besimi i ndersjell mes Univerzalauto dhe febi ka bere qe perfaqsia kryesore e Febit te jete Univerzal auto.
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Our Partners